Name | string (unique) |
QoSLevel | integer (ascending, sets number of times the company is slotted for execution) |
Company | CompanyRef |
Name | string (unique { Company, Name } ) |
QoSLevel | integer (ascending, sets number of times the solution is slotted for execution) |
SuccessUri | Uri to send Success messages |
SuccessPeriod | Number of days to retain SuccessActivity in the system, when the period has expired, the batch of activities is sent to the SuccessUri. |
DeadLetterUri | Uri to send DeadLetter messages |
DeadLetterPeriod | Number of days to retain DeadLetterActivity in the system, when the period has expired, the batch of activities is sent to the DeadLetterUri. |
Solution | SolutionRef |
Name | string (unique { Solution, Name } ) |
Verb | HTTP verb { POST, PUT, DELETE, GET } |
UriPattern | Uri pattern, ie “{SongId}/republish”. When executing, fields of the Parameter fill the pattern. |
ParameterExpected | Description of parameter expected, used for documenting solutions |
Retries | Number of times to retry failures of the activity. When the retry count reaches or drops below zero, the activity is considered a dead letter. |
ObjectIdRef | Field or fields of the Parameter that identifies the object, used for batch operations, ie updating the Uri of all Activities referencing an object. |
Year | Year |
Month | Month |
Day | Day of month |
DayOfWeek | Day of Week { 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, ..., 6 = Saturday } |
Hour | Hour |
Minute | Minute |
Second | Second |
ActivityType | ActivityTypeRef |
Parameter | Object to fill the Activity UriPattern and be PUT or POST’d. |
Retries | Number of times to retry execution of the Activity |
Date/time algebra a la cron is used. See
Date | DateTime to execute the activity |
ActivityType | ActivityTypeRef |
Parameter | Object to fill the Activity UriPattern and be PUT or POST’d. |
Retries | Number of times to retry execution of the Activity |
DateExecuted | DateTime the activity was executed |
ActivityType | ActivityTypeRef |
Parameter | Object to fill the Activity UriPattern and be PUT or POST’d. |
LogDetails | Details about the Activity execution |
DateExecuted | DateTime the activity was executed |
ActivityType | ActivityTypeRef |
Parameter | Object to fill the Activity UriPattern and be PUT or POST’d. |
LogDetails | Details about the Activity execution |
PointInTimeActivity Executor
Point-in-time activities are polled every 10 seconds, when an activity’s scheduled execution time has come or passed, the activity is executed. Activity execution polling is distributed, using company/solution/activityType to partition.
RecurringActivity Executor
RecurringActivity -> PointInTimeActivity processor. Recurring activity date time algebra is applied, creating point-in-time activities based on the recurrence schedule. This process is executed every minute.
DeadLetter LogRoller
FailedActivity are polled every day, when an activity executed over the retention period, the activity and log details are sent to the configured Uri.
Success LogRoller
FailedActivity are polled every day, when an activity executed over the retention period, the activity and log details are sent to the configured Uri.